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    Сравнение современных сортов малины, выращиваемых по системе Long Cane

    Raspberry fruits (Rubus idaeus L.) are a unique natural source of a whole balanced in composition complex of nutritious and biologically active substances that attracts the attention of the whole world. Raspberries contain vitamins, minerals (potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn)), unsaturated fat acids, sugars, proteins and polyphenols. In addition, raspberries have a high antioxidant potential, due to the increased accumulation of ascorbic, ellagic, folic acids and anthocyanins. That is why raspberry fruits have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, chemo-preventive and antimicrobial properties, which significantly affect the human vital processes.

    Raspberries varieties (Rubus idaeus L.) are divided into summer (biennial-fruiting) and remontant (primocane-fruiting). Basically, varieties that are used for container growing of long cane in high tunnels are summer (biennial-fruiting), their shoots are formed during one growing season, then plants are removed to frigo-storage. The difference between traditional and remontant varieties is that remontant varieties’ blooming and bearing are not related with day length and temperature. In traditional varieties the dormant period begins after the initiation of flowering.

    According to FAO data for 2020, the area of raspberry plantations in the world was 112 167 hectares, and the yield was 895 771 tons, while in 2019 — 841 351 tons were obtained from an area of 122 195 hectares. That indicates the dynamics of berry producing growth despite the decrease in areas. The leading countries raspberries producing are the Russian Federation (151 738 tons), Serbia (92 514 tons), Poland (84 674 tons) and the USA (81 865 tons). In Russia, to preserve the current industrial area (2412.2 ha), the minimum annual need in raspberry planting material is 2 560 643 seedlings.

    Every year the demand for planting material increases, as increases the demand for berry products, however, the modern market needs more stable, high-yielding varieties and more intensive cultivation technologies. Modern breeding programs are focused on the creation of new varieties based on the producers’ needs. Subsequently, they become the basis for industrial plantations of red raspberries around the world. The increased attention is paid to the breeding of universal purpose varieties. They must be suitable both for processing and possess complex resistance or tolerance to diseases.

    To extend the harvest period, Chinese scientists have developed a technique for simultaneously growing biennial-fruiting and primocane-fruiting in the open field and in tunnel shelters. Thus, the harvest period was more than 220 days.

    Growing technologies in open and protected ground have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, growing raspberries in the traditional way in open ground, plants are affected by ectoparasites (for example, needle and dagger nematodes (Longidorus and Xiphinema), which parasitize both on the roots of perennial shrubs and woody plants, and on annual crops. The danger of phytoparasitic nematodes is that they are carriers of viral diseases that spread locally with the soil and plant material.

    Another problem growing raspberries in open ground is the infection of plants with a soil bacterium, crown gall disease (Agrobacterium tumifaciens), that causes tumor formations on the plants’ roots and shoots. The bacterium enters the plant through wound lesions, as a result cell proliferation is occurred, the tumor grows, the flow of water and nutrients is disturbed, the plants become weak, and the yield and quality of fruits are significantly reduced.

    Growing late raspberries varieties in open ground in the conditions of the Central and Northern regions of the Russian Federation, 20–30% of the yield does not have time to ripen, however, these regions are the main ones for growing raspberries; also, during prolonged rainfall, fruits are damaged by gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), which leads to a significant decrease in yield and loss of fruit quality.

    The growth in demand for raspberry products outside the traditional season promoted an increasement of protected ground area. For this purpose, the “long cane production system” was developed. However, growing raspberry with long cane system in container technology in tunnels is it necessary to consider varietal characteristics, as well as follow a complex of agrotechnical measures (maintaining of air and soil humidity, normalizing shoots and selecting the optimal container volume).

    The purpose of our study is to compare modern raspberry varieties of raspberries growing them with the long cane system in container technology using tunnel shelters.

    Материалы и методы исследования

    The studies were carried out in Michurinsk (52°85′86′′ N, 40°48′97′′ E, Tambov region, Russia), on the territory of the educational and research greenhouse complex during the growing season of 2021–2022.

    In the experiment, 3 varieties of raspberries were used: Wengi, Vajolet and Ovation.

    The tunnel (10 m W x 100 m L x 4,7 m H) is covered with a double layer of transparent polyethylene with a density of 150 microns. Inside the tunnel, at a height of 200 cm from the ground, there is a shading net with a density of 50 g/m2 (Russia). The ventilation of the tunnel is carried out through the tunnel doors at both ends and four side windows. Humidity was maintained at 50%, the maximum temperature reached inside 36 °C, minimum 7 °C. The optimum temperature at night is 11 °C, during the day 20 °C. The surface in the tunnel is covered with a covering fabric with a density of 130 g/m2 (produced in Belarus).

    Raspberry seedlings were propagated by root cuttings. In April, rooted cuttings with an aerial part of 15–20 cm were dived and planted into a 1 liter container each. Planting them, it was applied Fertilizer Osmocote Exact Standard 5–6M (15-9-12 + 2MgO + TE) — 2 g/l, Everris (ICL), Netherlands. As a substrate it was used a mixture of peat (75%, Pindstrup, Russia) with agroperlite (25%, Plant of Mineral Fertilizers, Russia). During the growing season, it was carried root fertigation with Master (13-40-13) fertilizer – 2 g/l, Valagro, Italy. The humidity of the substrate was maintained at 65–70% throughout the growing season. In late May — early June, raspberry seedlings were transplanted into foam containers (55 x 35 x 20 cm), volume 40 liters. During the growing season, it was carried 6 times fertilizing out with orthophosphoric acid (OPA), the concentration of 75.2%. Row spacing is 1.5 m, containers are arranged tightly in a row. From 1 to 4 seedlings were planted in each container, depending on the variety. Placement of variants in the experiment is randomized. All varieties are presented in quadruple repetition. Irrigation was carried out using drip tapes 2–3 times a day in hot weather, or once every 2 days in cloudy weather.

    The experiment was carried out on a long cane of two types:

    • Long canes (floricanes) grown for two years were chosen to study the summer fruiting. In November 2021, the aerial part was shortened to a height of 170 cm; in April 2022, the vegetation resumed. Berries were measured on June 14, 2022.
    • Long canes (primocanes) of the first year were grown from one-year-old root cut-tings in 2022. Berries were measured on September 14, shoots on October 12, 2022.

    Measuring 30 berries were taken into account the following characteristics: length, diameter, weight, proportion of ripened fruits from the total quantity, yield from one shoot. Fruits weight was measured with Aqua-Lab.RF, YA501 scales. Sugars were measured using an AQ-REF-BRIX4 refractometer (Aqua-LAB, Russian Federation). Fruits diameter and length were measured with a MECHANIK 150 PRO caliper, fruits density was measured with an Ft 327 penetrometer (3–27 Lbs.).

    The analysis of experimental data was carried out in the IBM SPSS (IBM, USA) program using the methods of descriptive statistics, one-factor and two-factor analysis of variance using Duncan’s post hoc tests (for features whose distribution corresponds to the normal distribution law) and the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples (for features whose distribution does not correspond to a normal distribution law). Checking the normality of the distribution was performed according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk criteria.

    Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman’s rank correlation test.

    Результаты и обсуждение

    Comparison of summer and autumn fruiting of raspberry varieties according to technology Long Cane

    According to the results of summer and autumn studies was established a normal distribution of the fruits length, diameter and weight, which makes it possible to use ANOVA to analyze the reliability of differences. For such traits as amount of sugar content in fruits, the percentage of ripened fruits from the total yield and the yield from one shoot, the distribution did not correspond to the normal law, and therefore nonparametric criteria were subsequently used to identify the significance of differences.

    It was noted high variability in terms of productivity and proved significant differences between varieties in length, diameter and weight of the fruit (Figure 1). The largest fruits are in Wengi (25.5 mm length, 24.3 mm diameter and 7,2 g weight), and the smallest in Vajolet (22,2 mm length, 21.7 mm diameter and 4.0 g mass).

    Significant differences between fruiting seasons were revealed only on the basis of fruit diameter. On average, for varieties, fruits in autumn fruiting (23.4 mm) are larger than in summer (22.0 mm).

    Varietal features in terms of the height and weight of the fruit were revealed in different fruiting periods. Observing the varieties at different ripening periods, it was found that the length (27.3 mm) and fruit weight (8.3 g) during the summer fruiting period are maximum for Wengi and minimum for Vajolet. Ovation showed average values in the summer. It should be noted that during autumn fruiting period, the length and weight of fruits stabilize and take average values (Table 1).

    The Kruskal — Wallis criteria established the absence of significant differences in the periods of summer and autumn ripening periods in terms of amount of sugar and the proportion of ripened fruits. Yield from one shoot varies depending on the timing of fruiting. In summer, the median productivity is almost 2 times higher (1500 g) than in autumn (820 g) (Table 2).

    Autumn fruiting of raspberry varieties according to Long Cane (Primocane) system

    For such parameters as amount of sugar, the proportion of ripened fruits from the total fruits’ quantity and the yield per shoot, the distribution was proved to be inconsistent with the normal law. The Kruskal — Wallis test showed that the varieties do not differ significantly in terms of amount of sugar and the proportion of ripened fruits from the total fruits’ quantity. In terms of yield from one shoot in the autumn harvest, it was established significant differences between varieties. The median amount of sugar varies from 11 to 13°Bx, the percentage of ripened fruits is from 84,5 to 89,5%, the yield per shoot is from 705 to 1050 g (Table 3).

    Additional parameters of summer fruiting of raspberry varieties according to Long Cane (Floricane) system

    For raspberry varieties grown in summer fruiting period, it was carried additional studies of the fruiting shoots’ structure — lateral’s quantity on one shoot and the fruits’ quantity on one lateral shoot, on which largely depends the overall yield (Figure 2). It was proved that the distribution corresponded to the normal law and significant differences between varieties for these parameters.

    For raspberry varieties grown in summer fruiting period, it was carried additional studies of the fruiting shoots’ structure — lateral’s quantity on one shoot and the fruit’s quantity on one lateral shoot, on which largely depends the overall yield (Figure 2). It was proved that the distribution corresponded to the normal law and significant differences between varieties for these parameters.

    It was noted an inverse relationship between the lateral’s quantity and fruit’s quantity on the lateral shoot — with a small quantity of laterals on the shoot, cultivar Wengi has the largest quantity of fruits on the lateral, while, with the largest quantity of laterals, cultivar Ovation has much less quantity of fruits on each of them (Table 4).

    There wasn’t found any significant differences in amount of sugars and the proportion of ripened fruits between the varieties. It was noted significant differences between the varieties in yield from one shoot, the maximum yield was in the Ovation variety (Table 5).

    Growing raspberry using long cane system allows to extend the yield season in many countries of the world. So, for example, Norwegian scientists tested the summer (biennial-fruiting red raspberry) raspberry variety “Tulameen” by growing long cane in 7.5 L containers in the greenhouse and in the open field. The yield in greenhouse conditions was 2700 g per shoot, fruit weight 6.1 g, while the yield in open ground was 2100 g per shoot and fruit weight 6.3 g. Belgian scientists conducted an experiment on growing a remontant raspberry variety “Kwanza”. The results of the study showed that growing using long cane system for a summer crop from the end of January to mid-June in greenhouse conditions in a 10 L container and with the formation of 2 shoots per container, the yield was 800 g/m2, while under the same conditions it was possible to collect 500 g/m2.

    In some publications, it was noted that the optimal taste, density, size and color of fruits can be obtained by re-harvesting [15, 16], as it was done in the experiment with raspberry varieties Polesie, Polka, Polana. Our results partially agree; the height, diameter, and wight of the fruit in the Wengi variety are significantly higher during the summer fruiting period, while in the Vajolet and Ovation varieties in the fall.

    The long cane technology has been developed to extend the market cycle for fresh raspberries and is regularly amended.

    We suggest improving the technology with choosing summer and autumn varieties. In autumn fruiting, remontant raspberry varieties gain more sugars, the percentage of ripened fruits is also higher, but the yield is much lower. However, it is worth noting that the variety “Ovation” has a slightly higher productivity in summer than in autumn, while the amount sugars and the proportion of ripened fruits are higher.


    The largest fruits are in the Wengi variety (length 25.5 mm, diameter 24.3 mm, weight 7.2 g), the smallest are in the Vajolet variety (length 22.2 mm, diameter 21.1 mm, weight 4.0 g). When observing varieties at different ripening periods, it was found that the fruit length (27.3 mm) and fruit weight (8.3 mm) during the summer fruiting period are maximum in the Wengi variety, and minimum in the Vajolet variety.

    The amount of sugar ranges from 11 to 13 °Bx, the percentage of ripe fruits from 84.5 to 94.5%, the yield per shoot from 505 to 1250. During the summer fruiting period, the yield per shoot for Wengi was 2615 g, for Vajolet — 485 g. The Wengi variety was distinguished by its maximum length (27.3 mm) and fruit weight (8.3 g).

    The studied varieties are recommended to be used for industrial production. Variety “Ovation” is recommended for both summer and autumn fruiting. Varieties “Vajolet” and “Wengi” are recommended for summer fruiting. Relevance. Modern raspberry varieties (Rubus idaeus L.) have great potential for cultivation using Long Cane technology.

    Об авторах

    Ольга Викторовна Ладыженская1; научный сотрудник

    o.ladyzhenskaya91@mail.ru; https://orcid.org0000-0002-8086-8891

    Сергей Сергеевич Летуновский2; директор


    Татьяна Сергеевна Аниськина1; научный сотрудник лаборатории культурных растений

    tatianiskina@gmail.com; https://orcid.org 0000-0002-0933-1020

    Виктория Александровна Крючкова1; кандидат биологических наук; доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник

    vkruchkova@mail.ru; https://orcid.org 0000-0003-1066-3978

    Максим Вячеславович Симахин1; кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, научный сотрудник

    Simakhin1439@yandex.ru; https://orcid.org 0000-0003-0680-941X

    1 Главный ботанический сад им. Н.В. Цицина РАН, Ботаническая ул., 4, Москва, 127276, Россия

    2 Плодово-ягодный питомник «Малиновый рай», Лесная ул., 7, дер. Марьино, Мичуринский р-н, Тамбовская обл., 393754, Россия

    УДК 634.711
    DOI: 10.32634/0869-8155-2024-383-6-100-105

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